Opening hours & valid ID
Monday, Tuesday and Sunday - 07 pm - 03 am
Wednesday to Saturday - 07 pm - 04 am
Minimum age: 18 years.
Valid ID - Passport or driver´s license - must be shown at entrance.
Monday, Tuesday and Sunday - 07 pm - 03 am
Wednesday to Saturday - 07 pm - 04 am
Minimum age: 18 years.
Valid ID - Passport or driver´s license - must be shown at entrance.
Daily DDK. 70.00
Weekly DDK. 145.00
Monthly DDK 375.00
Yearly DDK. 750.00
All entries includes wardrobe
At Casino Marienlyst we have a relaxed attitude to Dress Code.
However, we kindly emphasize that we do NOT accept the following:
For most people gambling is entertaining - a fun and exciting experience, where you can both win and loose.
Unfortunately, there are some for whom the gambling can turn from being an entertaining element, to a negative one that starts to rule their lives.
Their desire to gamble starts to effect their economy and their families they have become compulsive gamblers.
The staff at Casino Marienlyst are always ready to help you if you wish to bar yourself from the casino, or maybe limit your number of visits.